Kamis, 20 Maret 2014


reflective writing

In this reflective writing firstly I want to say that as a student I have a problem with internet connection like WiFi, LAN, modem, or something like that's,  that's why Iam not always exist in social media. but finally I am exist hehe.
So enjoy my amateur reflective writing.

Last week on this day my lecturers Miss. Baetty and Mr. Wirdianto explained us so many things about social media. They talked about the advantages of them and also talked about how to learn by using them (social media), and I thought that would be interesting.
Actually they asked us to use Edmodo, Blog, Tumblr, and, Padled, but I don't use Tumblr just because it's not too familiar with me and I never operate it.
So I hope this learning method would be more interesting for today, next time, and forever.

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