Kamis, 10 April 2014

my 3rd reflective writing

Last 7 days on Friday April 4th 2014, I learned about "how to make a news" in broadcasting class, exactly at building AB Polytechnic Negeri Padang. So fun, because I learned about the materials before got the class, so I enjoyed it. Fortunately the lecturers didn't asked us about the presentation, so we didn't show the presentation  as what the they told us. I am sure, really sure sure that every group of students didn't prepare their presentation well, also for tomorrow. I just worried what if the lecturers ask us to show the presentation while we as the students didn't prepare it yet. They maybe angry or they maybe understand our situation that have many task to do.... hehehe

1 komentar:

  1. hmmm... really? that 's why you are an English students and you are trained to be prepared for presenting a topic and learn to speak up confidently in front of public.
